Recently, as some of you may know, I have closed this chapter of my life at Central Michigan University and am opening up a new Chapter somewhere else. Although my intentions for this was mainly to support my loving, hardworking husband and to spend the much needed time with my son, I have finally decided that Theatre no longer was an applicable degree for me to get. My lifestyle is much different then the students audtioning, crafting and learning the performing arts and I couldn't keep up with them. So, I decided that photography will be my new choice of degree.
An issue with this choice:
Number 1: Michigan, although beautiful, does not have much to do with the arts. They have a gorgeous God given canvas with the lakes and nature for artists to work but yet Michigan itself offers little education to artists. So this means I either wait for Steven this spring to graduate and then move to some state that will give me my BFA in photography or I take classes online that will give me some sort of degree*.
If anyone has any advice, like the wonderful Sue Brown, a gorgeous and talented photographer out of Ludington who told me the college she went to and what she does to stay on top of the industry your advice is greatly appreciated.
Also, free portraits are still available for anyone who is willing to lend me some time in their schedules.
-Samantha Houser
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