Spooky Sites of Mount Pleasant

Tonight, we decided to hit a few spooky sites to get some pictures.

Grashopper on a Skull
Papa's Pumpkin Patch for a little kiddy frights.
Kaden found a pet

Horses came to say "Hello"

Who's shoe did this belong to?
Off to the Park to visit the woods before dark.

This picture came out blurry but I like the natural pose Steven did at that moment. My Apeture and Shutter weren't set right, but we live, we learn

The Steps
An old Insane Asylum outside of town. Steven and I tresspassed tonight to get these quick shots but we plan on calling the people soon so we can get permission to get better photos.


  1. Sam, where is the steps at? i really like them and would love to check them out.


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